essay paper

Tips and tricks for an academic essay paper

Plan ahead 

I know it’s very common for us students to start an academic essay paper 24 hours before the deadline or even an hour before. I am guilty of it myself! However, you really should save yourself the stress and time by planning. You can simply spend an hour or less a day a week before the deadline and plan out your essay. Eventually, you will get into the routine of setting aside some time for your essay. Here are a few steps you can include in your planning process:


  1. Identify a topic 
  2. Research main themes ideas and concepts 
  3. Make sure the topics and concepts are relevant to the question (stay focused on the question)
  4. Find relevant research or quotes to support your ideas
  5. Structure your essay accordingly 
  6. Remember your conclusion should not have anything new but rather reinstate what has previously been mentioned!


Trust my plan and you will be less stressed and have more time for things you enjoy (especially if you get them done early). So, don’t slack guys I have been there and done that. 


How to structure your academic essay paper?


Firstly, remember to read your given question carefully and fully understand what is being asked of you (make sure your main topic is related). You should also check what structure is expected of you for your academic essay paper. Some professors have their outline so make sure to double-check! However, the main structure includes (this does vary depending on what type of essay it is): 

  • Introduction 

Firstly, define your topic 

Secondly, outline your topic. (what is your topic going to be about?) Let the reader know what your main message is and your key points.

  • Main body

Outline your key concepts/points and support them with evidence. Again remember to always stay focused and refer back to your main question. 

  • Discussion

This section focuses on the analysis of your research question. Did your evidence support your question concept etc or why did it not. This is a chance to discuss these issues

  • Conclusion  

Summarise everything you have previously said and provide a conclusion for the reader (what have you found out and what the evidence suggests). 


If you are ever stuck or lost always ask your professor for clarification before finalising anything and moving on! You do not want to be 70% done with your essay just to later realise you misunderstood instructions! So always double-check you clearly understand! 


Make sure you have correctly cited and referenced all relevant authors, articles, books etc in your main body and discussion. Using the supporting evidence will significantly boost the creditability of your main point and concept. So always make sure to include supporting evidence for all your key points and concepts. 


Make use of paraphrasing tools to speed up your academic essay paper time


Essay writing can take up a good chunk of your time and sometimes can drain you. I understand fully! So I suggest using paraphrasing tools like Rewording to help you speed up your academic essay paper writing process. So what is a paraphrasing tool? It is an AI-powered tool that rephrases sentences for you within seconds. Tools like Reowrding allows up to 10,000 characters to be reworded. However, I do emphasise that you can not copy and paste the generated sentences into your academic essay paper! This will be seen as plagiarism! Rather I suggest using it for you to have a quicker and better understanding of how you could paraphrase a sentence and input your ideas and thoughts. 


Using tools like Rewording will save you time while writing academic essay papers as you no longer need to think about every supporting evidence that needs to be paraphrased! Rewording can do it for you in seconds and you simply need to input your thoughts and ideas. So make sure to take advantage of these tools when you can. But, remember not to simply copy and paste this is plagiarism and you will be caught and punished! It’s not a good trade-off to simply copy and paste to save time. 

AI-powered paraphrasing

How to use AI-powered paraphrasing tool for academic work

How can I use an AI-powered paraphrasing tool in academic writing?

Firstly, find related articles, research papers, journals etc to your given topic or essay. Once you have found these simply paraphrase certain parts which relate closely to your given topic to give you a better idea and understanding of what the original author was trying to portray. 


Instead of doing this manually, you can’t get a better idea and a fully reworded sentence using AI-powered paraphrasing like Rewording. Now you can quickly adjust the text to your liking! However, make sure to always compare your text to the original text and ask yourself: 


  1. Have I implemented my own thoughts and ideas?
  2. Have I cited correctly?
  3. Does the idea from the original author still easily spotted?


With these three simple questions, you will be sure to not accidentally plagiarise the original authors. With these points in mind make sure to take advantage of paraphrasing tools like Rewording to quickly paraphrase text or short essays. But still, keep in mind that you need to implement your own ideas and thoughts. Otherwise, you have not understood what the original author is trying to portray but rather just stealing! This is not okay for any writer whether it is academic, blog, articles etc. 


So what is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool?

Let’s get started on what this tool is and how it can be used. Before starting, most paraphrasing tools are not accurate and do not reword sentences in a human manner. Therefore it is important to ensure you check before mindlessly adding it into your academic work. Again, you cannot purely rely on the tool but simply use it to guide you. 


An AI-powered paraphrase put simply will reword a whole paragraph or sentence to create a new sentence. Some AI tools are advanced enough to reword a sentence/paragraph perfectly, while also allowing you to select the synonym you want. 


Don’t forget to check your work for plagiarism!

One of the most important aspects is to not plagiarise others work! I think this is a given when it comes to academic writing. When it comes to academic writing quoting is not as reliable as paraphrasing. This is because paraphrasing means you understand the original message and can put your own thoughts and ideas into it. Whereas quoting simply does not show if you truly understand, however, this does not mean you should never quote! In general, you should paraphrase and make sure to cite correctly! 


Remember there are severe consequences to plagiarism! Do not use paraphrasing tools as a shortcut to copy and paste this is very easy to spot as most tools do not reword perfectly! It is not worth the risk to only use paraphrasing tools to cheat and shortcut your way through your academic writing. If you would like to find out more about types of paraphrasing read our previous blog about plagiarism. 


Now get yourself organised and keep track of all your articles and start collecting reliable sources for your academic work. If you need tips in academic writing and how to ace them there are plenty of resources out there! However, the most important aspect is to not plagiarise and you will be good to go.

cite a source

How to accurately cite a source

 What is a citation and why is it important in academic work? 

Simply put citation is used to give the reader where original authors, research, sources came from. Depending on your university/college requirements there are different ways to accurately cite a source. So, you should check which citing style your university or college uses. Keep in mind Wikipedia is the least reliable information source when it comes to academic work. If possible try to find sources elsewhere. 


So you’re wondering why is it even important to accurately cite? 


  1. Gives credit to original authors
  2. Let readers quickly find sources 
  3. Let other authors use the same sources 
  4. Supports your ideas and concepts with others work


When should I cite a source?

You should always accurately cite everything that is not your original idea or concept. Citations should always be used in academic writing to prevent plagiarism and other writing issues. Here is a list of when you should cite: 


  1. Others ideas concepts 
  2. Quoting someone else 
  3. Paraphrasing 


An important note to take into consideration is to not cite the same sources over and over again when it comes to literature reviews. This is because literature reviews require multiples sources of information, previous research, work etc. So using the same sources over and over again is not reliable. When it comes to citing a sentence you simply cite at the end of the paragraph, you do not need to repeatedly cite the author throughout your text. 


What are the types of citation styles?

There are three main types that you need to know for academic writing: 


  1. APA
  2. MPL 
  3. Chicago  


If you are writing your essays certain citations are better than others. Research which citation is best depending on what you are writing as some are better than others. However, your university will state what citation style is required so always double-check! 


How to accurately cite in-text? 

Depending on which citation style you are using you will have certain formulas on how to structure your paper. Below are the general formats for each style

APA Style format: 

“Authors full name” “publication date” “title” (page number)


MPL format:

“Authors last name” “Authors first name”. “Article title” “version” “number” “publication date” (page number).


Chicago format:

“Authors full name” “title” “publication date” (page number)


As you can see in-text citations are fairly similar. But, they are all used in different contexts. For example, APA is usually used in social science and educational papers. While Chicago is used for Physical, Natural, History papers and in some cases social sciences.


Paraphrasing tool for your blogging content

How to use a paraphrasing tool for blogging content?

Using a paraphrasing tool is similar to how you can use it for creating social media content. The tool is used to form your content in addition to helping you get inspiration. So how can I use a paraphrasing tool to help me with my blogs? Here are 3 simple steps:


  1. Find relevant content similar to your topic 
  2. Put them in a paraphrasing tool like rewording  
  3. Use the content generated by the paraphrasing tool to form your own 


Content block and writing block is no longer an issue using these powerful AI paraphrasing tools. You can generate new content within seconds from a different perspective. Now again this does not mean you can simply copy past content that you have generated. It is simply used to help you in your writing or content needs. Remember to cite sources and prevent plagiarism at all costs! 

Save time by using a paraphrasing tool for bulk blogging content

Now you know a little about the paraphrasing tools. Make sure to take advantage of being able to bulk write all your blogs! Tools like Rewording allows up to 10,000 characters to paraphrase for free in one go! So make sure to paraphrase as much content as you need and start bulking your content! I’m sure you have had days where you are full of ideas and ready to write away! So make sure to take the momentum and bulk your blogging content. This will save you miles of time and keep you away from content or writing block! 


Another advantage of bulking is saving content for later for when you do not have the momentum. Instead of only publishing the content you have created make sure to save some for later when you don’t have the momentum and are stuck on what to write. 


How to effectively use a paraphrasing tool to create blogging content

Here are a few simple steps to help you start paraphrasing:


  1. Read the original until you understand it
  2. Put original away 
  3. Note key concepts and ideas from memory 
  4. Write your own without looking at the original 
  5. Compare 
  6. Cite


It can seem difficult if the source did a good job explaining the original idea and concept. However, you can overcome this by restructuring the whole text. For example, you can start your sentence from the middle of the original etc. 


You should make a plan and make your blog flow. This will make it easier for readers to read as it is more fluid. Don’t make your text explain too many things at once and not have a correct structure. This is where the paraphrasing tools come in handy, you can simply piece together content given from the paraphraser to base your blogs off. Note you can simplify long text (in your own words) or put them in bullet points if possible. 


Small tips and tricks for paraphrasing 

Now some of these tips are obvious. however, I think they are still good to know!


  1. Understand the content 
  2. Paraphrase as many times as you need until you understand 
  3. Don’t just copy and paste!
  4. Use synonyms when needed (Don’t overuse them)
  5. Highlight key concepts that you want


Now, remember it is not okay to copy-paste the content! You need to put your ideas and thoughts. Never steal someone else’s content! You can also keep a separate writing document for notes so that later on, you can have the information in one document. Now you know some tips and ticks give them a try! Paraphrasing tools are handy and should be used to your advantage! Especially from Rewording with a high character allowance of 10,000 characters for free! 

Paraphrasing tool

How to use a paraphrasing tool for social media content?

As a marketer, you know it’s important to keep your post original, fresh and trendy. Posting content daily can get challenging especially when you have a creative block. This is where paraphrase comes in handy! Simply let a paraphrasing tool like rewording help you rephrase a sentence in seconds! However, make sure you input the creativity of your ideas in the sentence you are paraphrasing or make sure to reference correctly. Or even better if you are providing content for blogs as a marketer then you should use a paraphrasing tool.

Here are some tips to create unique and engaging social media content:

  • Make regular series
    For example, you can make “daily/weekly/monthly meme” posts, throwback Thursday etc.
  • Run giveaways/contests
    The most engagement is through companies like giveaways, freebies, contests etc. This is because customers love free things no matter who it is.
  • Make use of polls
    People love polls, it’s a given your most engagement will be from polls so make sure to use them every once in a while!
  • Answer questions in your speciality
    Whatever is frequently asked from your customers or any question, in general, will get people curious and visiting your page.
  • Share free resources or information
    Again people love free resources!

There are plenty more ideas out there! There are always resources to help you keep your content original and fresh. Again, a paraphrasing tool is used for social media content in a way to help you get inspired not to steal others content ideas!


Importance of not plagiarising content!

Using these tools does not provide you with the right to steal content from others! So you’re asking how can a paraphrasing tool help me? Firstly, find content which you are interested in or want to recreate, look up other content like it and try to use the paraphrasing tool as an inspiration to put your creative twist into it. There are thousands of content ideas out there so using the paraphrasing tool might spark some inspiration for your next few posts. However, if you feel like you want to recreate a certain post that is trending make sure to reference and credit the original post! It’s important to not steal content! You can still hop on trendy social media trends however, make sure you credit the correct person.

Make use of bulk content with paraphrasing tool

Tools like rewording allow up 10,000 characters, meaning you can paraphrase content you want to bulk and ensure that your word choices are to your liking. This means you do not need to spend more time drafting up your posts as rewording can do it for you within seconds. If you are going for organic posts. Using this method will save you time and effort as you can paraphrase your content for months and ensure your word choice is accurate.

Final thoughts and advantages of using paraphrasing tool

A paraphrase can be a powerful tool not only for writing purposes! So make sure to take advantage of these free tools like Rewording. Below are the key points covered today so you can save them for later if you find this helpful. There are plenty of content ideas out there so go ahead and paraphrase them to see if you can make your own unique content.

  • Inspiration
  • Make use of paraphrasing tools to write better
  • Prevent accidental plagiarism
  • Save time
  • Make bulk content drafting easier and faster

Now get out there and make the content of your life! Or who knows maybe your posts may be the next trending or trend! Good luck and I hope these small tips can help you in some way!