Plan ahead 

I know it’s very common for us students to start an academic essay paper 24 hours before the deadline or even an hour before. I am guilty of it myself! However, you really should save yourself the stress and time by planning. You can simply spend an hour or less a day a week before the deadline and plan out your essay. Eventually, you will get into the routine of setting aside some time for your essay. Here are a few steps you can include in your planning process:


  1. Identify a topic 
  2. Research main themes ideas and concepts 
  3. Make sure the topics and concepts are relevant to the question (stay focused on the question)
  4. Find relevant research or quotes to support your ideas
  5. Structure your essay accordingly 
  6. Remember your conclusion should not have anything new but rather reinstate what has previously been mentioned!


Trust my plan and you will be less stressed and have more time for things you enjoy (especially if you get them done early). So, don’t slack guys I have been there and done that. 


How to structure your academic essay paper?


Firstly, remember to read your given question carefully and fully understand what is being asked of you (make sure your main topic is related). You should also check what structure is expected of you for your academic essay paper. Some professors have their outline so make sure to double-check! However, the main structure includes (this does vary depending on what type of essay it is): 

  • Introduction 

Firstly, define your topic 

Secondly, outline your topic. (what is your topic going to be about?) Let the reader know what your main message is and your key points.

  • Main body

Outline your key concepts/points and support them with evidence. Again remember to always stay focused and refer back to your main question. 

  • Discussion

This section focuses on the analysis of your research question. Did your evidence support your question concept etc or why did it not. This is a chance to discuss these issues

  • Conclusion  

Summarise everything you have previously said and provide a conclusion for the reader (what have you found out and what the evidence suggests). 


If you are ever stuck or lost always ask your professor for clarification before finalising anything and moving on! You do not want to be 70% done with your essay just to later realise you misunderstood instructions! So always double-check you clearly understand! 


Make sure you have correctly cited and referenced all relevant authors, articles, books etc in your main body and discussion. Using the supporting evidence will significantly boost the creditability of your main point and concept. So always make sure to include supporting evidence for all your key points and concepts. 


Make use of paraphrasing tools to speed up your academic essay paper time


Essay writing can take up a good chunk of your time and sometimes can drain you. I understand fully! So I suggest using paraphrasing tools like Rewording to help you speed up your academic essay paper writing process. So what is a paraphrasing tool? It is an AI-powered tool that rephrases sentences for you within seconds. Tools like Reowrding allows up to 10,000 characters to be reworded. However, I do emphasise that you can not copy and paste the generated sentences into your academic essay paper! This will be seen as plagiarism! Rather I suggest using it for you to have a quicker and better understanding of how you could paraphrase a sentence and input your ideas and thoughts. 


Using tools like Rewording will save you time while writing academic essay papers as you no longer need to think about every supporting evidence that needs to be paraphrased! Rewording can do it for you in seconds and you simply need to input your thoughts and ideas. So make sure to take advantage of these tools when you can. But, remember not to simply copy and paste this is plagiarism and you will be caught and punished! It’s not a good trade-off to simply copy and paste to save time.