How can I use an AI-powered paraphrasing tool in academic writing?

Firstly, find related articles, research papers, journals etc to your given topic or essay. Once you have found these simply paraphrase certain parts which relate closely to your given topic to give you a better idea and understanding of what the original author was trying to portray. 


Instead of doing this manually, you can’t get a better idea and a fully reworded sentence using AI-powered paraphrasing like Rewording. Now you can quickly adjust the text to your liking! However, make sure to always compare your text to the original text and ask yourself: 


  1. Have I implemented my own thoughts and ideas?
  2. Have I cited correctly?
  3. Does the idea from the original author still easily spotted?


With these three simple questions, you will be sure to not accidentally plagiarise the original authors. With these points in mind make sure to take advantage of paraphrasing tools like Rewording to quickly paraphrase text or short essays. But still, keep in mind that you need to implement your own ideas and thoughts. Otherwise, you have not understood what the original author is trying to portray but rather just stealing! This is not okay for any writer whether it is academic, blog, articles etc. 


So what is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool?

Let’s get started on what this tool is and how it can be used. Before starting, most paraphrasing tools are not accurate and do not reword sentences in a human manner. Therefore it is important to ensure you check before mindlessly adding it into your academic work. Again, you cannot purely rely on the tool but simply use it to guide you. 


An AI-powered paraphrase put simply will reword a whole paragraph or sentence to create a new sentence. Some AI tools are advanced enough to reword a sentence/paragraph perfectly, while also allowing you to select the synonym you want. 


Don’t forget to check your work for plagiarism!

One of the most important aspects is to not plagiarise others work! I think this is a given when it comes to academic writing. When it comes to academic writing quoting is not as reliable as paraphrasing. This is because paraphrasing means you understand the original message and can put your own thoughts and ideas into it. Whereas quoting simply does not show if you truly understand, however, this does not mean you should never quote! In general, you should paraphrase and make sure to cite correctly! 


Remember there are severe consequences to plagiarism! Do not use paraphrasing tools as a shortcut to copy and paste this is very easy to spot as most tools do not reword perfectly! It is not worth the risk to only use paraphrasing tools to cheat and shortcut your way through your academic writing. If you would like to find out more about types of paraphrasing read our previous blog about plagiarism. 


Now get yourself organised and keep track of all your articles and start collecting reliable sources for your academic work. If you need tips in academic writing and how to ace them there are plenty of resources out there! However, the most important aspect is to not plagiarise and you will be good to go.