Text rewording is a technique used to improve the content of a website in order to rank better in search results. This consists of taking an existing text and rewording it so that it is more optimized for SEO.

1. Keep information up to date

First, verify that the information is still correct. Pay attention to the information that gets old the fastest: dates, numbers, and names, as well as places. Are the company’s products changing? Are there new customer references? Are the downloadable documents still available? Do the links still work? Are the team contacts the same?

This step requires a good understanding of the company’s strategy and objectives to better analyze and prioritize information. The company may have changed its positioning, targeted a new clientele, or presented new sales arguments. Check carefully the text to be rephrased and its information!

The trick is to dissect the company’s most recent communication media (activity reports and press releases, brochures, product sheets, internal journals, etc.). These media contain a wealth of information that is generally not available on the company’s website.

2. Correct mistakes

It’s amazing how many spelling mistakes and typos you can find on websites. These errors are often caused by websites created from copying and pasting different documents collected by customers who do not understand the constraints of the web, then integrated by integrators or web developers in a rush.

Google can identify spelling errors made by Internet users in their queries if it is able to understand them. This is part of the criteria that Google uses to assess the quality of a site using its Panda algorithm. A site that contains many spelling mistakes will be considered less relevant than a site with no spelling mistakes.

It is therefore essential to respect the rules of spelling, grammar, syntax and typographic code . This “combing” of the text allows the web editor to make better use of the text (and to feel less pain with each error). ).

Tip – Pass the text through a spell checker to save time.

3. Divide the pages or lengthen them

Old sites often have problems with long texts. Many texts are too short, that is, they are less than 300 words. This is the minimum length required by Panda. It’s a minimum. According to most SEO studies, texts longer than 1000 words are more likely to be found. For example, the article you are reading is almost 1300 words.

On the other hand, pages may have text that is too long and semantically misdirected. The page covers too many topics to answer similar queries in Google. It is best to divide these pages into several pages (one per subject).

The trick is to create an editorial style guide or editorial charter, which provides a framework and direction for writers or standard article templates.

4. Make the site easy to read for internet users

You can imagine yourself in the shoes of an Internet user. What information will he prioritize on the page? What actions does he want to take? This analysis can sometimes lead to “inverting” the texts to put the most important elements first (read our article “The inverted pyramid in web writing”).

You must also ensure that your content is accessible, according to the Opquast web standard. You should pay special attention to writing hyperlinks so that the user clicks and understands what happens if they click on them. Add the extension (pdf or doc) as well as the weight (Ko, mo) of the downloaded files. Diversify the content by including text, photos, videos, etc.

The trick is to apply Opquast’s web quality best practices, as described in the article “Web Copywriting: 20 Best Quality Practices”.

5. Optimize SEO

It is crucial to create all the necessary tags for natural referencing. This allows to place the keywords in a “natural” way and to optimize the results.

Pay attention to the tags that appear in the natural results of Google.

  • The title (70 characters maximum)
  • The meta-description (160-300 characters maximum, depending on Google’s goodwill)
  • Structured data

Priority keywords should be placed in the h1 title (which goes up in the URL) and in the first line of the title/first paragraph. Your text must be structured with titles from h2 to h6, correctly hierarchized, and nested. These titles should contain secondary keywords. Vary the vocabulary in the text. It is possible to bold keywords with a strong tag.

Add as many links as possible to related articles from the same site. Don’t forget to include the title tags of these links.

Although image tags (filenames and text alternatives) aren’t as important for SEO, they can help increase your site’s accessibility.

The trick is to have a list of referrer-validated and prioritized keywords or keyphrases.


Text rewording is an important technique to master if you want to improve your SEO. By following these few tips, you will be able to write