The main goal in SEO writing is ranking on the first page of Google. Staying at high-rank and hunting by google spiders repeatedly, is even a more important issue. Basic SEO rules should be considered in SEO writing.


How to become a SEO writer

How can we be a high-ranked page? What should we do so that Google’s spiders crawl on the body of our content? These questions are frequent questions of content writers. A SEO writer should know all the SEO rules and study about the newest changes, definitely.

The answer is simple, we should write content based on SEO rules. We should consider key words and their synonyms. In fact, we should write around a key word and use the related words in our content. Using the key word in headlines is important. In this article we want to talk about SEO writing.


The basic rules of SEO writing

Do you want to be a well-known SEO writer? You should follow the basic rules of SEO writing on the Google algorithm.

Google’s algorithms for SEO writing and ranked on search engine, has been changed every year. For example, in the past, content writers shared short articles with 500 words and it was common! The key issue was using keywords! Or sometimes people use black SEO over using key words in low quality content.

Google algorithms have changed in recent years, and writing high quality content lengths and using enough key words, are the main rules and scales  Google algorithm. Obviously, we should hesitate over the use of keywords in our article.


10 -Tips for SEO Writing

If you are a content writer, it is important to know the SEO rules and get an influence on SEO writing. Getting organic traffic is an important issue. There is not a key rule that shakes the ranking of our page, but there are some rules that raise our page rank.

There are 10 tips for SEO writing that should be considered in SEO writing. Let’s consider Google’s rules for SEO writing.


  1. Write for your reader
  2. Find the right keyword
  3. Using related words
  4. Follow the new updates of the Google algorithm
  5. Write high quality content
  6. Write a long content
  7. Link to the high-ranked sites
  8. write a unique meta description
  9. Headings and subheadings
  10. Have your tone and be creative


1.Write for your reader

Users search for a topic based on their needs! They search on Google till they find the answer to their question. So, it is important to know the user’s intent and answer their question.


2. Find the right keyword

Google search engine, search and raise your page based on keywords. So, it is important to be aware of your user intent and change more keywords in your subject.

There are some SEO tools that can help you in the most keyword searches on the field and topic that you are writing about.


3. Using related words

Spiders don’t search for keywords just. The related words and phrases are scaled to hunt by Google spiders. The best way of finding the related words of your keyword is writing the keyword on a search engine! At the bottom of the page, related searches and phrases are listed by Google.


4. Follow the new updates of the Google algorithm

Google’s algorithm updates year by year. You can follow the new Google algorithm updates and changes. It is necessary to write based on SEO rules and rank on a search engine.


5. Write high quality content

One of the rules in the Google algorithm is writing high quality content. Google considers your content and ranks your content based on its quality. You should also use the high-quality photos and videos on your page. It affects users’ tendency to stay on your page more! The time the user stays on your page is the scale, as well.


6. Write a long content

Google has many algorithms that scale your page and rank your content, as well. Panda 4.1 is a Google algorithm that ranks your page. The newest update of Panda 4.1 valued the long content.

Good pages with high quality content have at least 1000 words. The shorter contents don’t give enough complete information about the topic in Google’s algorithm.


7. Link to the high-ranked sites

Link and back link value to your page based on Google algorithm rules. Find the most valuable and high-ranking pages and input their link into your content. Have strong sources in your content, value your content and show you can write content and give information on a global scale.  You can also link other pages of your site to your content.


8. write a unique meta description

Write unique sentences that give the main information about your content in your meta description. Use the keywords in writing the Meta description and try to write a unique description that attracts people.

The length of the meta description is not too long. You have about 70 words opportunity to give attractive and unique information to users and the tendency to read your content.


9. Headings and subheadings

Headlines are written around key words and the most searches around keywords by users. Headings are the first lines that Google engine searches, to find the appropriate pages for users. So good heading and subheadings that include key words are very important in ranking.


10. Have your tone and be creative

In writing your content be creative! It is important to write different content that is not the same as the other content. Try to have your tone in your content and write it in your own style.

As a freelancer content writer or writing for business and making money, it is important to write your unique content in your own way.


In conclusion

Writing a content based on SEO rules ranks your page and attracts users to write your content. Study the SEO rules and Google algorithm updates and be a SEO writer. Find the key word and write high quality content around the key word.

Related words are important in SEO writing and caused to be hunted by Google spiders. The search engine ranks your page by your keyword and related words that search more by the users. If you want to be a noble SEO writer or be an owner of a high rank page, be influence on SEO rules.